11 Easy Steps To A Well Planned Garden

You want to start a garden, but you’re not sure where to begin? Then you need a plan. A well planned garden will bring you much better results.

Starting a garden is one of the most rewarding things you can do. But if you’re new to gardening, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, I’ll set out 11 steps to help you create a successful vegetable garden.

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Before You Start A New Garden, You Need A Plan

With food prices expected to continue to rise, more people are turning to veggie gardens to offset the price of groceries. Taking control of your own food supply by growing vegetables is a smart move if you want to become more self-reliant. But if you’ve never grown food before it can be daunting. So here are some tips you should consider to have a well planned garden and give that vegetable garden the best chance of success.

A well planned vegetable garden.
Depositphoto ID 29792191 jamiehooper & 21230323 alexeys

1) Start With A Journal.

A well planned garden starts with keeping records, whether you buy a garden journal/planner or you just keep records in a notebook or in an online app, you need to keep good records.

By writing down, what you planted, and when you planted it. Where you purchased your seeds and what variety you planted and so much more, you will start to see patterns of what works best for your garden.

Keeping records paints a picture and leads you down the path to a beautiful garden.

Related>> My Garden Journal.

2) Find The Right Spot.

Location, Location, Location.

Before you start a new vegetable garden you need a plan. You don’t want to choose just any spot. You need to pick the best place for a garden. There are some things you should consider when choosing the best place to put your vegetable garden.

Your garden vegetables need sun. Is your garden going to be in the shade most of the day? You don’t want it too far from the house, yet you don’t want it right in the traffic flow of your backyard. How close is it to a water source? These are just a few of the things to plan for when laying out your veggie patch. Check out a few more.

Related>> 10 Tips – How To Pick The Best Place For A Garden.

3) Decide What You Want To Grow.

There are a few things that you need to consider when you are deciding what to grow in your vegetable garden:

  1. What grows well in your area. Every area has things that grow better in their area. The length of the season, the amount of rain you receive, and the amount of humidity are only a few of the factors that affect this.
  2. What your family likes to eat. Don’t waste time and space on things that won’t get eaten.

Related>> What To Plant In Your Vegetable Garden.

4) Keep It Small.

Now that you have this big long list of what you want to grow, you need to cut it down – for now.

A small, well tended garden will produce a lot of food. In fact, it will produce more food than a poorly tended, weed infested, large garden.

So do yourself a favor and start small.

Related>> Start An Instant Garden, Build And Plant The Same Day.

5) What Kind Of Well Planned Garden?

You could have a ground level, row garden. A Lasagna Garden or a raised bed garden. Do a little studying and decide which is the best type of garden for you.

You might also start your garden in containers. You can grow quite a bit in containers while you prepare your soil.

Related>>Start A Vegetable Garden From Scratch

6) Prep Your Soil.

No matter what type of garden you choose, you will need to do some soil preparation. The soil is what feeds your plants so your plants can feed you, so this is not a step to skip. The healthier your soil is, the healthier your plants will be. And that leads to fewer pests and diseases and a lot less work for you.

Related>> How To Prepare Awesome Soil For Your Vegetable Garden.

Related>> What Is Composting? And Why Your Garden Needs Compost.

7) Plan Ahead For Weeds.

All gardens will have some weeds. But if you plan ahead, those weeds can be very manageable. If you let them take over, they will be a lot more work and may make you give up.

Related>> 12 Ways To Make Weeds – Go Away!

8) Plant At The Right Time.

There are some vegetables that need to grow in cooler weather and some that like warm weather. If you plant them at the wrong time they will not thrive and will probably die. Because of this, you will also need to know what your first and last frost dates are.

Related>> 12 Best Hot Weather Vegetables.

Related>> 22 Best Cool Season Vegetables To Grow In Your Garden.

9) Take Care Of Your Plants.

Make sure your plants are well taken care of. Do they have enough water? You can use mulch to help your plant’s roots. Don’t forget to feed your soil. Compost is a wonderful place to start. Checking regularly for pests and diseases will help you get ahead of problems.

Related>> Mulch For Your Vegetable Garden.

Related>> Keep Bugs Out Of Your Garden, Naturally!

10) Plan For The Harvest.

There are so many beginning gardeners that are so excited to grow their own vegetables but they forget to plan what to do with all that produce when it is ripe. Then it sits in the garden and goes to waste.

Collect some recipes and learn when that produce is ready to be picked.

Related>> Sauteed Swiss Chard And Tomatoes.

Related>> Marinara – Make The Perfect Sauce.

11) Keep Learning.

A well planned garden doesn’t just happen. Every year that you garden, you will learn things. The more you keep records, the more you will learn. Keep reading and taking classes and keep observing and writing it down. You will keep acquiring valuable knowledge to make your garden better and better every year. 

Related>> How To Start A Vegetable Garden For Beginners. Course.

Your Well Planned Garden.

Planning a garden, and laying out all your garden ideas, in your garden journal, before you turn over that first shovel of dirt, will give you a head start on a successful garden. Make your garden a well planned garden so it will bring you more joy, and oh yes, more vegetables.

A vegetable garden can bring you security, good nutrition, and joy. When you bite into that first ripe tomato, you will know that it was worth every bit of work you put into it. And you will be enjoying your well planned garden for years to come.

Learn More:

Start A Vegetable Garden From Scratch

The Ultimate Beginning Vegetable Gardening Course

How To Start A Container Garden Like A Pro

10 Fastest Vegetables To Grow In Your Garden

10 Tips – How To Pick The Best Place For A Garden.

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I believe everyone can grow at least part of their own food! Let me show you how.SaveSaveSa

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