How Long Do Ducks Live? How To Extend Their Life.

So, how long do ducks live anyway? Whether you have just acquired some abandoned ducklings, or you are researching whether you want to add ducks to your backyard homestead, knowing the domestic duck lifespan is helpful information.

How Long Will You Be Taking Care Of Your Ducks?

One of the best things that has happened to me, was the day 8 baby ducks got dropped in my lap. That set in motion a whole new chapter for me as a backyard homesteader.

When I took in those beautiful bundles of fluff, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And what kind of commitment I was making, and how they would change my life.

If you are considering whether you would like to make the same kind of commitment, one of the questions you might be asking is how long your duck is going to live.

Related>> What To Do If You Found A Baby Duck.

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Duckling. How Long do Duck Live?

The Lifespan Of Pet Ducks.

I once got my child a goldfish from the fair, and I figured we would have to take care of it for a few months, but no, that silly fish lived for years.

So how about ducks? How long do ducks live as pets or even barnyard animals?

The first thing I want to say is: Ducks are not holiday playthings!

Many Domesticated ducks are bred for the pet trade, many ducklings are sold as gifts for Easter. But ducklings do not stay small for very long, at all, and if they are not properly cared for they will die. Make sure if you get a cute little fluffy duckling, you are in it for the long hall.

Domesticated ducks released into the wild face several major difficulties. If not taught by their mother to forage, they will likely starve to death if they are not eaten by a predator.

Related>> How To Start Urban Homesteading or Suburban Homesteading.

How Long Do Domestic Ducks Live?

There is a difference between the life expectancy of a domestic duck and the lifespan of wild ducks. Wild ducks have no coop to escape the predators. Especially female ducks who are literally “sitting ducks” as they are waiting for their ducklings to hatch.

But if properly cared for, domestic ducks can live a long time.

Ducks are a very hardy animal. They are much less likely to die of a disease than a chicken is. They also can survive the heat of summer and the cold of winter, better than chickens. In fact, they are relatively easy to care for and so fun to have around.

So if you are thinking of adding some web-footed friends to your flock and wondering “how long do ducks live anyway?” Let’s dive into the subject.

What Do Ducks Die From?

Most adult ducks don’t die from old age. The most common way they die is from predators. Disease is a distant second. But if properly taken care of, a duck can live for many years. How many years?…

What Were The Longest Living Ducks?

How long do Pekin ducks live? The longest-living pet duck on record was a Pekin duck and it lived to be 49 years old! Wow! That’s an old duck! This is recorded by the Guinness book of world records and was owned by Gladys Blackbeard. She got the duck back in 1917.

But that is not at all typical. It just goes to show that with proper care a duck can live a very long life.

White Duck.

What’s the Average Lifespan of a Duck?

Typically, ducks will only live around 5 to 10 years. Some will, however, live as long as 20 years if well cared for. But what makes one duck live longer than another?

What Contributes To A Long Duck Life?

If you are wondering, how to increase the lifespan of a duck, you need to understand how to properly care for your flock.

How Long Do Ducks Live In Captivity?

How long ducks live depends a lot on how they are taken care of, such as:

  • Protection from predators.
  • Shelter from the cold and heat
  • Healthy food
  • The right vitamins and minerals
  • A clean environment
  • Administering first-aid when needed
  • A pond to swim in
  • Keeping them happy

Of course, the breed and genetics play a role as well. But let’s explore what we can control.

Why Do Some Ducks Live Longer Than Others?

Protection From Predators

Probably the leading way a duck on a homestead will die is from predation. There are countless predators around always trying to enjoy our ducks for a meal. After all, everything likes to eat duck.

Ducks don’t move very fast on land and most domestic ducks have the ability to fly bred out of them. Also, one way that wild ducks protect themselves from some predators is to escape out onto the pond which many backyard ducks don’t have access to.

Keeping them safe from predators is a critical factor that vastly increases how long ducks live.

Related>>Preparing For Predators On The Homestead.

Yellow duckling in a hand.

 Proper Housing

 After predator attacks, the next most important thing that can affect your duck’s health and longevity is its housing.

Since backyard ducks can’t fly south for the winter and north for the summer, it’s up to you to provide the best environment that you can.  Even though ducks are very hardy animals and can live very well in cold weather and hot weather. Their housing can make a big difference in how healthy they are.

If you take the time to provide your ducks with proper housing to lessen the weather extremes you will go a long way at making them more comfortable and extending their lives.

Related>> A Well Designed Duck Coop To Make Your Life Easier.

Related>> 10 Necessities To A Perfect Duck House.

Related>> Caring For Ducks In Winter. What You Need To Know.

Duck. How long do ducks live?

Healthy Food

A well-balanced, fresh food that is formulated for waterfowl is an important factor. A diet that has all the age appropriate nutrients will make a healthier duck.

Related>> What To Feed Ducks In Your Backyard.

Related>> What To Feed Ducklings For Happy Healthy Baby Ducks.

The Right Vitamins and Minerals

The ability to get out and forage for greens and bugs will give your birds a better chance at filling all the gaps for proper nutrition. If your girls can’t “free range”, providing fodder or even weeds picked from the garden will help provide what they need.

Related>> 12 Ways To Make WEEDS – Go Away, Naturally!

Two other things that are essential are sunshine, from which they will make vitamin D that helps them grow strong bones. And a supplement of Niacin. Niacin is very important for ducks to grow strong and healthy. It’s easy to supply this by sprinkling a little brewer’s yeast on their feed every day.

A Clean Environment

It’s important to keep their coop and run clean. Deep litter works well for this. Adding a new layer when it starts to get soiled and removing it and cleaning the coop periodically. Clean water and food is important too. Feces laying around will breed disease, flies, and parasites. All things that will lead to a shorter life.

Related>> Deep Litter – The Best Method For A Duck And Chicken Run.

Related>> How To Get Rid Of Flies In your Chicken Coop, Naturally.

Related>> Fast Ways To Get Rid Of Mice And Rats In Your Coop.

Have a First Aid Kit

Even the most careful duck keeper will need to administer some basic first aid now and then, from an infected foot (bumblefoot) to a bleeding back from being picked on. There are many small injuries that you can take care of yourself.

Ducks Need A Pond To Swim In.

Although not an absolute necessity, a pond (even a small kiddy pool) will go a long way towards keeping a duck healthy and happy. That’s how they bathe and get rid of external parasites. Mites suck their blood and make them itch reducing their quality of life.

Related>> Do Ducks Need A Pond?

Make Sure You Keep Your Ducks Happy.

Keeping your ducks happy is a major factor in how long they live. Helping your ducks feel secure and safe will go a long way toward the longevity of your ducks.

If you are going to get ducks, make sure you have at least Two. Three is better. They are a flock animal and feel much more secure in a group.

Giving them enough space so they don’t squabble. Providing them things to do like free-ranging, digging for bugs, or even toys to keep them occupied, a pond to swim in, and other things that add interest to their lives will make them happier birds.

Related>> 10 Best Reasons To Raise Ducks!

Related>> 10 Reasons NOT To Raise Ducks.

Pekin Duck.

How Long Do Ducks Live?

Are you ready for the commitment of raising ducks as long as they live? Is duck keeping right for you?

How long do ducks live? As you can see, it is, at least partly, up to you and the care you give your ducks. With a small amount of proper care, your ducks can live a long, healthy, happy life. And you will be rewarded with eggs!

Keep Learning

Setting Up A Brooder Box For Baby Ducks.

A Well Designed Duck Coop To Make Your Life Easier.

Duck Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs, Why Duck Eggs Are Better.

Raising Ducks 101 – How To Take Care Of Baby Ducklings.

How To Get Clean Water For My Ducks.

What To Feed Ducks In Your Backyard.

Happy Backyard Homesteading!

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