You’ve just brought your new ducklings home, but what are you going to call them? Finding good duck names can be so much fun!
Your ducks have unique personalities, so they need unique names too. Whether you are just starting out with your backyard homestead or you are adding to your menagerie, here is a whole list of adorable duck names that will be sure to help you find just the right name for your duck.
I’ve come up with this list of over 300 good duck names to give you lots of ideas for a perfect name for your perfect duck.
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Table of Contents
Does a Duck Remember Their Name?
Why bother naming your ducks?
A duck can be taught to come when you use its name. Spending time with your ducks and using their names makes them feel comfortable around you, which makes it easier to handle them and to give health checks. Using the duck’s names can help speed up bringing them back into the coop at night after a day of free-ranging.
Related>> Make A First Aid Kit For Chickens And Ducks.
Tips For Naming Your Duck
Ducks make wonderful backyard pets and produce amazing eggs. And since they can live a long time, around 10 years or more, it makes sense to give your duck a name that you will be happy calling it for years to come.
Give the naming of your duck a little thought. Does it fit its personality? It’s coloring? Is it easy to say? Are you going to have to explain it every time you tell someone what your duck’s name is?
Learn More>> Raising Ducks – Step-By-Step.
Good Names For Ducks.
Have fun with this list of duck names and hopefully one of these will be the perfect name for your next duck.
While picking out a cute duck name consider the gender of your duck. A lot of duck owners want to know what are the best female duck names and what are the best male duck names. But cute, funny, or clever duck names might be right for you too. Let’s discover them all!
Related>> Raising Ducks 101 – How To Take Care Of Baby Ducklings.
Female Duck Names
Girl duck names are often feminine or funny, but can also be a bit sassy. They can be named after flowers, trees, spices, or named for girls you know. Here are some to get you started.
- Alice
- Amber
- Amy
- Anabelle
- Anna
- Angelica
- Apricot
- April
- Autumn
- Basil
- Becky
- Bella
- Belle
- Betsy
- Beverly
- Bubbles
- Charlotte
- Cinnamon
- Cookie
- Clarabelle
- Cleopatra
- Cruella
- Crystal
- Daisy
- Dixie
- Doris
- Dotty
- Duchess
- Ellie
- Emma
- Eva
- Faye
- Fern
- Fiona
- Flora
- Freckles
- Gabby
- Grace
- Gracie
- Gretchen
- Hazel
- Heidi
- Holly
- Jade
- Janice
- Jasmine
- Jemima
- Jessie
- Joy
- Joyce
- Judy
- Julia
- Kat
- Katie
- Lacey
- Lilly
- Lilac
- Linda
- Louise
- Lucy
- Luna
- Macy
- Mallory
- Marigold
- Millie
- Misty
- Molly
- Monica
- Nikki
- Nora
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Opal
- Orchid
- Pansy
- Peach
- Pearl
- Penny
- Petunia
- Pipsqueak
- Poppy
- Puddles
- Queeny
- Rose
- Ruth
- Sadie
- Sarah
- Sasha
- Shannon
- Sharon
- Snowflake
- Sophie
- Stella
- Sugar
- Summer
- Sunflower
- Sunny
- Susie
- Taffy
- Tilly
- Thelma
- Tulip
- Ursula
- Vanna
- Vera
- Violet
- Waddles
- Willow
- Winny
- Yvette
- Zoey
And don’t forget the very often used and much loved…
- Mama
Male Names for Ducks
After our female duck names, it’s time for the men (ducks) in our lives! It’s time to look over some male duck names.
Choosing a boy duck name gives you a whole new set of choices. You can go for the strong masculine choice, cute and cuddly, or just plain fun.
- Adam
- Baxter
- Ben
- Benjamine
- Bernard
- Bill
- Bobby
- Brady
- Bruno
- Bubba
- Buck
- Buddy
- Charlie
- Chris
- Chuck
- Danny
- Diesel
- Drake
- Duncan
- Felix
- Franklin
- Gilbert
- George
- Greg
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hunter
- Ian
- Jackson
- Jason
- Jasper
- Joey
- Lucky
- Liam
- Mark
- Marley
- Max
- Mike
- Miles
- Moe
- Nigel
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Ron
- Rupert
- Sammy
- Sebastian
- Stefan
- Theodore
- Toby
- Tom
- Walter
- Wayne
- William
- Vinny
- Zach
- Ziggy
Related>> Do Ducks Need A Pond To Be Happy And Healthy?
Good Duck Names
Duck names can be inspired by anything. You can use your imagination and come up with a completely unique name for your duck. Choose a name that is meaningful to you, and that you won’t mind if someone else hears you calling your duck.
Related>> Everything You Need To Know BEFORE Getting Ducks.
What Should I Name My Duck?
I’ve had several ducks, but two of my favorites, (both the ducks and the names) were a couple of my first ducks.
We rescued a duckling that was wandering alone in a parking lot. Its mother had been hit by a car and there were no siblings around.
I brought him home and put him in the brooder. He started crying as soon as I shut the door. My daughter said he sounded like he was singing a solo. Solo stuck. We decided it was short for Hans Solo.
Since a duckling shouldn’t be alone, the next day I went down to the feed store and bought the only duckling they had. It was larger than Solo and was scared of its own shadow.
Every time I approached the brooder, it would try to hide behind the smaller Solo. That’s how Chewbacca got her name. Or Chewy for short.
I had both of those ducks for many years.
So, what are you going to name your ducks? Below are a bunch of names for ducks to get your creative juices flowing. Choose one of these or let these inspire you to come up with something unique.
Related>> How To Start Urban Homesteading Or Suburban Homesteading.
Let Your Children Name Your Ducks.
Get your children in on coming up with names for your ducks. They can come up with some good duck names too and feel a part of your backyard flock.
You may end up with some cute names like:
- Axel
- Bigfoot
- Blaze
- Blippi
- Dashi
- Dora the explorer
- Emmy
- Evan
- Hudson
- Kwazi
- Ms Frizzle
- Pickles
- River
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Consider your favorite characters From Books, TV, or Movies.
- Harry & Hermione
- Tweety
- Luke & Leia
- Fred & Wilma
- Archie & Betty
- Monica, Phoebe & Rachael
- Frasier, Niles & Daphney
- Elsa, Anna & Olaf
- Chip & Dale
- Barney
- Wendy
- Maria
- Buffy
- Bella
- Edward
- Jacob
- Nora
- Radar
- Tatiana
- Alexis
- Elisabeth
- Frodo
- Daisy
- Taylor
- Alice
- Scarlet
- Woodstock
- River Song
Related>> 30 + Great Gift Ideas For Duck Lovers.
Name Your Duck After Biblical People.
Maybe you’d like to take your duck’s name from the bible.
- Abagail
- Bethany
- Chloe
- David
- Deborah
- Delilah
- Elizabeth
- Ester
- Eve
- Hannah
- Joanna
- Leah
- Martha
- Mary
- Mathew
- Miriam
- Naomi
- Noah
- Priscilla
- Rachel
- Ruth
- Samson
- Simon
- Sheba
- Tabitha
Ducks are social animals and they love to interact with their human owners. They are fun and make great pets.
But you will enjoy your feathery friend more if you give them a name. Here are more ideas for duck names.
Top Duck Names.
Of course, the list would not be complete without the most popular duck names.
- Aflac
- Bill
- Daffy
- Daisy
- Downy
- Ernie
- Ducky
- Waddles
Famous Names for Ducks
Movies and TV are full of famous, well-loved ducks you could name your new feathered friend after. Perhaps some from your favorite childhood show or book. Let’s take a look at some famous duck names to consider for your new pet.
- Daffy
- Daisy
- Hewey
- Dewey
- Louie
- Donald
- Howard
- Ming-Ming Duckling
- Mrs. Featherby
- Professor Waddlemeyer
- Jemima Puddle Duck
Funny Names For Ducks
Some of my favorite names are funny, play on words. My favorites are duck puns.
If your duck constantly quacks you up, this list has some names that might make you giggle. Here are some funny duck names to consider.
- Bill
- Duckwheat
- Firequacker
- Nutquacker
- Quackamole
- Quackerjack
- Quackers
- Quackers n Cheese
- Quackin’
- Quackhead
- Quackpot
- Quackzilla
- Sir Quacks-A-Lot
- Stud Muffin
- The Nutquacker
- Waddlemore
- Wisequack
- Waddles
- Wiggle Waggles
Related>> 10 Necessities To A Perfect Duck House.
Duck Pun Names
Names that make you laugh may be the perfect choice for your pet duck. Name them after someone famous. Well, almost. (I can’t lie. These are some of my favorites.)
- Al Quackcino
- Albert Eggstein
- Amelia Egghart
- Amy Pond
- Annie Yolkley
- Count Quackula
- David Peckham
- Duck Norris
- Duck Vader
- Duck van Dyke
- Duckbeak
- Duckleberry Fin
- Eggatha Christie
- Eggory Peck
- Hillary Fluff
- Hugh Quackman
- Jack Quack
- James Pond
- La Toya Quackson
- Leonardo Duckaprio
- Marmaduck
- Michael Quackson
- Moby Duck
- Quack Nicholson
- Quack Black
- Quack Sparrow
- Quackie Brown
- Quackie Chan
- Quacktain America
- Samuel L. Quackson
- Selena Gomeggz
- Sirius Quack
- Wing Diesel
- Wolfgang Duck
Cute Names for Ducks
After our duck pun names, it’s time for cute duck names! A cute, playful name to fit your little duck may be just the ticket. Find a name for your pet duck that is as cute as your new best friend.
- Angel
- Bagel
- Boots
- Bubbles
- Cuddles
- Echo
- Firequacker
- Fizz
- Fluffers
- Fuzzy
- Jelly Bean
- Hubert
- Lucky
- Magoo
- Marshmallow
- Munchkin
- Nibbles
- Paddles
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Peep
- Pepper
- Pickles
- Pipsqueak
- Pixie
- Plucky
- Poppy
- Puddles
- Quackers
- Ruffles
- Sherbet
- Splasher
- Splish Splash
- Squeekie
- Squirt
- Sugar
- Waddles
- Waggles
- Wiggles
Cool Duck Names.
But not all names have to be cute and cuddly. Duck names can be cool too. If you are looking for a name that is a little unique. Get out the sunglasses and feast your eyes on these cool duck names for your new best friend.
- Angus
- Artemis
- Bert
- Bolt
- Boss
- Diva
- Ebony
- Elvira
- Flash
- King
- Kong
- Ma’am
- Major
- Mayor
- Polo
- Sargent
- Shadow
- Spike
- The Fonz
- Thor
- Trouble (I had a duckling that I used this on)
Related>> What To Feed Ducklings For Happy Healthy Baby Ducks.
Baby Duck Names
Is there anything more adorable than a baby duckling? Probably not! With their big feet, these little balls of fluff are sure to grab your heart. Here are some duckling names your you to look at.
- Feather
- Babe
- Blinkers
- Pippy
- Frodo
- Peanut
- Uno
- Cob
- Suds
- Munchkin
- Fluff
- Splash
- Quack
Food Duck Names.
One last list for the people who don’t want to forget their ducks are farm animals. Here are some cute food duck names.
- Benedict
- Crispy
- Drumstick
- Ducksauce
- Egg Nog
- Eggspresso
- Hot Wings
- Quackerz (and cheese)
- Scrambled
- Soup
- Taco
With a list like this, you are sure to come up with the best duck names for your little flock. Happy duck name hunting!
Let me know which ones you choose in the comments.
Keep Learning
Setting Up A Brooder Box For Baby Ducks.
A Well Designed Duck Coop To Make Your Life Easier.
Duck Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs, Why Duck Eggs Are Better.
Raising Ducks 101 – How To Take Care Of Baby Ducklings.
How To Get Clean Water For My Ducks.
Happy Backyard Homesteading!

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